
The search/desire/longing "for" a guru or mentor is the search/desire/longing "of" an injured child, a want to fill in a hole, a child seeking a mother or father to guide and show them the way.

Psychodynamically, the guru or mentor sought after, usually coincides gender-wise with the parent whose guidance may have been lacking, the male or female energy which may not have been provided fully and there is a current longing for. "Generally" speaking, in this day and age, it has been the father/male figure whose connection to the child has been lacking, hence the multitude of male "gurus" in the marketplace, a female "guru" however, fulfilling a similar need on the other end; at different times, gurus/mentors of both genders being sought after to fill in multiple gaps.

Have you longed or searched for a guru/mentor?

Are you aware of why you have been searching?

How would you like your guru/mentor to help you?

What would you like this guru/mentor to do for you?

That you may not believe that you can do for yourself? Yet.

Just remember a good parent teaches independence and empowers their child. A good parent wishes for their child to achieve greater than him or herself, to evolve, to become the next good parent rather than remain a child.

Is your guru/mentor doing this for you?

Teaching you that you are are your own guru?