Spiritual Perfection

The need to be perfect stems from having been injured. It is the belief that if you had been perfect in the first place, you would not have been injured, and if you are perfect now the injury will disappear, or you will never be injured again; perfectionism is used as protection.

Perfectionists also expect perfection from others. If others are perfect you will not be injured again. If your injurers had been perfect, you would not have been injured in the first place.

Striving to be spiritually perfect is just another form of perfectionism, just wrapped up in a prettier package. It is another form of protection, in the hope to avoid further injury, but coming from a place of injury to begin with.

Spiritual awakening is not about being spiritually perfect. It is not about being Jesus, or Buddha, or holier than thou. It is about being yourself, your truthful self, and of course your healthiest self. There will be refinements and sacrifices to be made for your betterment, but what will remain is you, or who you have always been.