Chakras Therapy


Stemming from thousands of years of eastern philosophy and understanding, chakras are energy centers, located throughout the body. There are seven primary chakras, located from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Each chakra is associated with specific bodily functions, psychological functions, and spiritual functions. These functions are depicted in the charts below. It is important to develop an understanding of the connection between mind, body, and spirit, that these centers bridge, in order to heal from trauma and more importantly develop mastery of self.

Chakras are not as esoteric as they may seem. Acupuncture for example, which is scientifically proven to be an effective treatment modality, is based in the meridian system, which are traditionally defined in eastern philosophy as “energetic pathways”. Chakras are just centers along these pathways.

Below is a chart depicting the psychological and spiritual chakra connections:

Psychological and emotional issues in relation to our Chakras - Psychodynamic therapy

Below is a chart depicting how these energy centers, or nervous system centers, have an effect on our nervous system in general, which in turn has an effect on our whole physical biology. The chart is the basis of chiropractic work. The Chakra system just takes it one step further. We are truly biological, psychological, spiritual beings, and we must develop an understanding of our whole selves, in order to heal.

Chakras on the spinal column and spiritual awakening symptoms

If you would like to dive deeper: (Go to Esoteric)