Subconscious Dreaming and Healing

Dream Work

Dreams are a connection to the deeper, subconscious, aspects of yourself. Everything that you have repressed. Not just your fears and traumas, but also your desires, wishes, and full potentiality! Dream work is a vital piece of the deeper work that must be done to heal.

Dreams can represent:

  • Repressed fears and traumas, that your conscious ego defenses are protecting you from and avoiding, but are still affecting your mind, body, and soul every single day. When sleeping, the conscious mind and defense mechanisms let down their guard, allowing healing to take place.

  • Unfulfilled wishes, desires, hopes dreams, that may have been suppressed due to trauma. One must connect to this potentiality and fulfill it, to feel whole, complete, and at peace.

  • Dreams are a direct communication from your soul, and can be a connection to other higher levels of spiritual guidance and support.

Facilitating Dream Work

Some clients state that they do not dream, or that they do dream but cannot connect to what they have dreamed. This is exactly the disconnection from SELF that needs to me remedied! Trauma is what disconnects us from our self. Re-connection to self is what is necessary to heal. Dream work is one of the very important ways to facilitate re-connection with our true-self. Through direct experience, dream study, and facilitating dream work for many years, I have developed techniques that assist clients in this process, including:

  • Assisting in creating the physical, emotional, and psychic space to reconnect to dreams and self

  • Assisting in the process of dream analysis, based in dream study, psychodynamics, archetypal understandings, mythology, and spirituality.

  • Dream journaling is a trauma informed modality, which connects right brain and left brain functioning, assisting to re-connect from trauma fragmentation.

Dream Work is also facilitated through creating a deeper Mind-Body connection.

(Go to Mind and Body)