

Trauma is the past, repeating itself in the present, interfering with our ability to see our future. It can be one large event (PTSD), or a culmination of smaller events (Complex/Compound Trauma) that overwhelms us. Due to the overwhelm, the mind and body represses the trauma. The latest trauma research discusses how trauma then gets stored or trapped in our mind and body. The work here is to assist the mind, body, and spirit, to process this trauma out.

Psychodynamic Therapy

The exploration of our subconscious; the hidden parts of ourselves, that we may not want to see because seeing might be too painful. Trauma is most often stored in our subconscious. It is by working with the subconscious that we assist the body, and mind, to process trauma.

Shadow Work

The process of getting in touch with the “dark” parts of ourselves that we may have repressed. Repression of thoughts, emotions, and physical and spiritual drives, can cause a plethora of negative symptoms including: depression, anxiety, and mental and physical ailments. We not only repress the parts of ourselves that we see as negative, but we repress our gifts and strengths as well!

Attachment Theory

The way people relate to others and the environment, in adult life, is shaped by caregiving experiences in childhood. Our current perceptions of reality, and our behavior, may be a result of painful childhood experiences (trauma). Attachment patterns include:

  • Secure Attachment

  • Insecure Anxious Attachment

  • Insecure Avoidant Attachment

  • Disorganized or Confused Attachment

Ego Psychology

The exploration of how our “conscious” ego defense mechanisms protect and shield us from underlying trauma. While this may have been helpful when we first experienced the trauma, these ego defensed get in the way of our ability to move through and process trauma to heal. Some of these mechanisms can include:

  • Repression - Pushing unwanted thoughts or feelings out of our conscious awareness.

  • Projection - “Blame shifting” or putting onto others what we do not want do deal with ourselves.

  • Displacement - Taking out our frustrations on others.

  • Rationalization - Thinking and talking about an issue, rather than having to FEEL it.

The key to working with trauma is to make a direct connection to it. We must bypass the conscious mind, the defense mechanism, and go directly to the source - our subconscious. This is the deeper spiritual work” Dr. Garbe

(Go To Dream Work)